Retinal Detachment

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Retinal Detachment

The light-sensitive layer of tissue that lines the inside of the eye is called the retina. The retina sends visual messages through the optic nerve to the brain. This is how we see. If the retina detaches from the optic nerve, vision can be lost permanently. In some cases the retina can be torn and this is referred to as a retinal tear. The tears can lead to detachment.

Retinal tears or detachment can be caused by trauma, diabetes, or an inflammatory disorder but is most often caused by a related condition called posterior vitreous detachment. Bleeding from small retinal blood vessels can cloud the interior of the eye that is normally filled with vitreous fluid. This can occur at any age but is more common after the age of 40.

Symtoms of Retinal Detachment

Symptoms include bright flashes of light, floaters, shadows, or blurred vision. Treatment is available for torn or detached retina’s. Cryopexy is a surgerical procedure in which a cold ice prob is applied on the area to help form a scar so that the retina will hold to the underlying layer of the eye. Laser surgery is another method and it can seal the tear or hole in the retina. Pneumatic retinopexy is a surgical procedure that places a gas bubble in the eye and it helps the retina float back into place.

Retinal Detachment